Welcome to our site! If you are like most visitors to this site, you are probably here because you are doing some internet research to see whether Laura Rebecca Risinger Duffy Collins (or whatever name she may be using presently) is who she represents herself to be. This site was created to help protect potential future victims of fraud from supposed con-artist Laura Collins – Also known as Laura Risinger, Laura Duffy, Laura Lavalle, and Laura Bloise.
Note that the information presented on this site is either based on opinion formulated through interviews with alleged victims who have direct experiences with Laura or from direct experience from alleged victims who claimed to have been conned by Laura. Much of this information is supported by official police reports, victim statements, and court filings.
About Laura
Laura Risinger Duffy is alleged to be a con woman accused of running multiple confidence and romance cons to extract money and other things of value from her alleged victims. She has been arrested multiple times. She appears to move between Texas, Mississippi, Arizona, and Alabama, but she can land anywhere. She is on the record as calling her accusers liars and threatening them with law suits and restraining orders. She frequently claims to be the actual victim and blames falling in love with the wrong men (husbands, boyfriends, etc.) as the reason she has accumulated a collection of court orders, warrants, bad credit and arrests. Because fraud is difficult to prove and many victims feel ashamed and just want to move on and put their experiences with Laura behind them, cases are often dropped. Laura has used the dropping of these cases as a sort of proof of vindication.
Helpful Tips:
If you should become acquainted with Laura Collins, romantically or financially, be advised that she is may still married even if she may say that she is not and there may be a high likelihood that you will end up financially and emotionally worse off as a result of whatever dealings you have with her. If you believe Laura Collins may be trying to scam you or someone you care about, you may want to consider the kinds of claims she tends to make and some basic verification methods you may consider in order to verify whether or not she is being truthful:
1. Says she owns homes that she does not: If she says she owns a home(s), look up the ownership records online. This is very easy to do. She has claimed to own various upscale homes that were in fact Air BNB short term rentals or long-term rentals. She is known to have approached Air BNB homeowners off platform to try and rent directly from them and she has been evicted after not paying rent all the while telling her romantic interests and others that she owns the home.
2. She says she has a lot of money in the bank: Have her log into her bank account on her phone and show you the balance. Don’t rely on paper copies as she has been suspected of forging documents. For someone who claims to have so much money "tied up", it appears near impossible for her to ever get access to that money because she rarely returns the money if ever. Proof of funds does not equal proof that she will return money to you.
3. Says she owns the expensive car she is driving: Grab the VIN and do research to see if the car is reported as stolen or owned by someone else. She is purported to have men buy cars for her in their name likely because she is unable to qualify for the loan herself.
4. Says her credit/debit cards were stolen: These are easily replaced, and usually temporary cards can be picked up in the branch and permanent cards received in the mail within 5 business days or sooner. If you give Laura (or anyone for that matter) money, it's best to do so in cash and never give someone else access to your credit or debit cards, bank accounts, etc.
5. Claims to be wealthy and an experienced businesswoman: Ask her to log in to any reputable online credit reporting website and show her credit history and current credit score.
6. Provides paper documentation for any financial transaction: If you are going to lease to her, run background and credit checks. Because she allegedly cons men into putting transactions for her in their own names, a significant number of her financial transactions are put under their names and not hers.
Past/Current Official Criminal and Civil Accusations:
· State of Alabama Clarke County
o Possession of a forged instrument 2nddegree (forged bank check) and obtaining signature by deception
o Theft of Services 1st Degree (Class C Felony) and criminal simulation (misdemeanor).
· State of Arizona:
o Automotive theft: Accused of being involved in the purchase of a Land Rover (with another person) for which a check was issued, payments not made, and refusing to return the car until legally required to do so. At some point Laura was taken into custody, and it is alleged (but not verified by this site) that this arrest may have been related to that transaction. (see video). Note that Laura, or someone claiming to be Laura, denies the poster's claims.
o Rent Theft: Laura rented a luxury property in Tucson Arizona. She wrote several bad checks. She claimed she wanted to pay the full year's rent and sent screenshots of electronic bank transfers in excess of $130,000 that never completed. It is presumed these screenshots were either forged or initiated and then simply cancelled after she obtained the screenshots. She was eventually evicted from the property and skipped out on over $20,000 in rent. She was ordered by Pima County Court to pay back rent. She subsequently moved with no forwarding address and has not paid this outstanding rent.
Her Basic Confidence Con Approach:
It is our opinion that Laura appears to have invested a significant amount of money in various physical augmentations (i.e., breast enlargements, lip fillers etc.) wigs, clothing, cars, and other "wealth projecting" items in order to present herself as a wealthy woman. She claims to be divorced from a high-level gas/oil executive and implies this is where her vast savings comes from but also claims that her money is “all tied up”. Supposedly she has claimed to have a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO), which is a court decree that divides retirement plan assets in a divorce. She also claims to have had her wallet lost or stolen recently so she does not have credit nor debit cards. She allegedly uses the claims to get people (usually men) to give her access to their credit/debit cards, buy cars for her in their name, etc., while promising and then failing to pay them back.
She has claimed to be a simple southern girl who is a loving mother and devout Christian. She is a very fast talker, and it is often difficult to get a word in when speaking with her. She says some incredible and unbelievable things that can seem plausible because she surrounds herself with possessions and people who lend her credibility. She also appears to mix some truth among the lies, making it very hard to prove in the moment whether she is being truthful or deceitful.
Laura has gone to incredible lengths to prolong the inevitable collapse of a con. For example, after writing bad checks to one confirmed victim, she strung him along by making him call bank customer support multiple times, meet her at the bank to talk to management to request money traces (with multiple appointments made by her then cancelled), and more delay tactics. After exhausting her victims’ patience, she eventually relented and took off.
Laura Collins - Basic Romance Cons:
If Laura has set her sights on you romantically, don’t be surprised if she works to get you into bed ASAP. She may flatter you, hold your hand constantly in public, tell you she wants to buy you elaborate items like planes, cars, and houses, start a business for and with you, and generally love-bomb you. Be cautious if she asks you to loan her money, borrow your credit/debit card, or have any access to your bank accounts.
· Cautionary Tale: Laura is alleged to have convinced a man who she met through an online dating site to buy her an $80,000 vehicle for which no payments were made by Laura. Laura allegedly claimed to have millions of dollars "tied up" and provided him with what he later believed forged documents showing she had the money to pay him back. She allegedly provided other forged documents showing that she paid the loan off, which he (and the lender) insists she did not. He allegedly also loaned her his credit card so she could get gas on a trip to visit her ailing mother, only to then allegedly connect his VISA card to her Apple Pay app and run up approximately $50,000 in charges. Police did not pursue this case because of the “romantic angle” and because "fraud is hard to prove". The man then was forced to cash in retirement assets to cover the bills. According to the alleged victim, all of this happened within an approximately 45 days' timeframe from when they first met to her con running out.
· Raiding men’s bank accounts: Laura is alleged to have gained access to bank accounts and then spending the money without their full knowledge nor consent. She allegedly will claim to be paying for stuff for these men through her vast wealth and generosity (rent, auto-payments, what have you) while she is actually using their own money. It has been verified that one of the victim’s bank accounts was closed by the bank after she had been accessing for purposes not agreed to by the account holder.
· Total Amount Unknown: It is unknown how much money Laura may have taken from her alleged victims, but it is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars over the past few years alone.
January 21, 2021 – Arrests.org: Accused of credit card fraud - $24,988 bond.
August 17, 2018 – Crime Stoppers of Houston: Accused of Credit / Debit Card Abuse
Report #2312374: Reporting Officer Bonnie Cross
Regarding: Auto Theft. This detailed report includes a great deal of information regarding this and many other allegations of fraud for cases outside of the Scottsdale jurisdiction and uncovered by the investigating officer.
Case # CV24-028740-EA:
Regarding: Eviction from Residential Residence. Laura R Collins (defendant) was removed from an upscale $1.75 million dollar home for failure to pay rent after the judge found for the plaintiffs and ordered Laura to vacate the residence, terminate the lease, and pay restitution.
Report #2409100134
Regarding: Fraud. Laura is accused of multiple financial crimes in excess of $100,000 related to this case.
Details regarding a future police report may be posted here upon receipt and verification.
Details regarding a future police report may be posted here upon receipt and verification.
Details regarding a future police report may be posted here upon receipt and verification.
If you believe you have been or presently may be a victim of a Laura R. Collins con job, please feel free to tell us your story. If you have a verifiable police report or other supporting evidence for your accusations (court ordered eviction, auto repossession documentation, etc.) then please feel free to send us a message and let us know if it's OK for us to share your story with others. We do not disclose the names of alleged victims without their expressed written consent.
No claims to the accuracy of this information are made. The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Courts. The person(s) featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal records. Contact the respective county clerk of State Attorney's Office for more information.
Laura Risinger Duffy Collins
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